4 Essential Tips for Shopping At a Local Retail Nursery
Are you planning a visit to the retail nursery soon? Could you be wondering what to buy or how to go about it precisely? Be assured that you’re not alone. A trip to a garden center like LowCo Gardeners does not have to be overwhelming. Don’t let all those colors, scents, blooms, and varietals scare you.
This article offers four concrete tips to make your shopping more fulfilling and stress-free.
Tip #1: Don’t be in a hurry.
Visit the retail nursery on a day you’re not busy so that you can take as much time as you can to find plants that appeal to you. Slowly go through the garden noting the plants on offer and making any mental notes or questions for later clarification. Read the accompanying plant tags for information on how to care for them.
Tip #2: Request the full plant list.
If you have your list, consider asking for a catalog or plant list from your retail nursery owner. This will make it easy for you to compare, know what’s available, what you can interchange, or what to replace. You can also make up your mind on what type of plants to purchase; whether perennials, annuals, edibles, or regular local varieties.
Tip #3: Seek advice.
The best way to clear confusion and doubts is to seek clarification and advice from the staff. LowCo Gardeners staff has the necessary expertise to help you navigate through your plant shopping with ease. Do not shy away from asking burning questions before making a final decision.
Tip #4: Shop on weekdays.
For the ultimate experience, plan to shop during the week when there’s less traffic at these retail nurseries. This is because most people wait to shop during weekends when they don’t go to work. It leads to a weekend rush which means you cannot have personalized attention from the staff.
LowCo Gardeners – Shop at your local retail nursery
Don’t hesitate to visit LowCo Gardeners for all your plant needs. It’s a retail nursery with knowledgeable staff, quality plants, and an affordable price; you couldn’t ask for more. Contact us for more information.